Nathaniel Anthony Van Doorn

Even at the ripe old age of 18 months, nothing is more important than sleep. Imagine my surprise to glance up from my knitting to see he had fallen asleep on his crayon & notebook...
And here is undeniable proof - like I, of all people, needed it - that Nate is, in fact, all boy.
On the Fourth of July, Nate discovered that he really likes broccoli and ranch dressing. I suspect, that's all he ate. At any rate, he sure got the dressing all over his face.

The first picture ever taken of Nate. You know how they got that look on his face? That surprised/angry face? They took a bottle nipple, stuck it in his mouth, waited for him to get interested (not that that took long) pulled it out of his mouth real quick & took the picture. Poor guy thought he was going to get fed, instead he got this flash of light in his eyes....