Kýrbýr Summer Games

Help us defend our nuts!

Here you go everyone! Consider yourself invited to the Summer games of Kyrbyr.
Join us for a weekend in the shade. Play games, win prizes, have fun, win
prizes. do stuff, win prizes. You don't have to be Viking to appreciate this
event (but it helps) This is an
of Chivalry and Steel event, though members of other groups are
invited to join us for the weekend as a "Prospective" member!
NOTE: this event is in addition to our end of summer war,
which while the date is shifting, has NOT been cancelled!
Get ready for some Summer Games!
Kyrbyr invites you all to join us in the Walnut Groves of Ripon- California-
(date is still to be determined).
We will be having some on site arts and science workshops, so you will have NO
EXCUSE for not having an arts entry! Of course you can still bring/send an
We will have games currently in the following areas (if anyone would like to
sponsor a game, please contact Sine)
Shinai/Training fighting- we will have some scenarios
Spear/Axe throw-we can throw the axes!
Archery-Bring your own equipment please...
Tafl-board game
Stone lifting
Best Period Campsite
Arts and science, including Bardic
We will try and hold a quest for the children to participate in!
Site fee is $15 per adult for the weekend
This includes firewood, and Saturday Dinner stew.
young adults 12-18 only $5 (must bring an adult)
children under 12 Free
Come! Help Kyrbyr defend our nuts!
Please RSVP to Sine as Monadh, or e-mail her with questions.